The Ultimate Hero's Journey Page 4
Sideways: Miles’s traumas and depression stem from his divorce from Victoria, his affair with Brenda, and his falling in love with Maya—Goddesses everywhere.
Dodgeball: Kate will be the catalyst of Peter’s awakening. Without her on the team, Average Joe’s has no hope. She can’t play, though, because of a conflict of interests (she works for White’s bank).
076 – First Encounter with the Goddess
031 – A Storm Is Coming
The onset of evil can be felt in the air.
This stage introduces a sense of premonition, of something lingering in the atmosphere. This is just an intuition, not a triggering event; ordinary people don’t experience this intuition—only some main character does.
Recurring motifs include big spaces and a character looking into the distance in suspicious anticipation.
Star Wars: Luke scrutinizes the desert’s horizon and says, “That little droid is going to cause me a lot of trouble.” Indeed, it will.
The Matrix: Morpheus tells Neo, “You’re here because you know something. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there—like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.”
Harry Potter: When McGonagall asks if the rumors about Harry’s parents are true, Dumbledore confirms, “I’m afraid so, Professor. The good, and the bad.”
Sideways: (Not applicable).
Dodgeball: Peter’s car barely starts in the morning, and he says, “It’s gonna be a good day.” His intuition is wrong, of course.
Bonus Example:
The Lord of the Rings: The trilogy starts with this stage. Lady Galadriel says, “The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air.”
014 – The World in Decline
032 – Resistance to the Separation
The Hero arches away from the Surrogate Parents.
They disapprove.
The Hero will soon leave the Ordinary World behind, a fact foreshadowed by the distance the Hero takes from the surrogate family.
They resist the Hero’s departure; not because of love but because of self-interest.
Star Wars: Luke wants to go looking for Ben Kenobi. His uncle forbids it, saying, “Tomorrow, I want you to take that R2 unit to Anchorhead and have its memory erased. That’ll be the end of it.”
The Matrix: Neo has no family (surrogate or otherwise). The ones resisting his leaving the Matrix are the Machines, which are his “family,” albeit in a strange way.
Harry Potter: Uncle Vernon knows that the letters are an invitation for Harry to attend Hogwarts, so he destroys them all.
Sideways: The resistance to the separation here is based on love, after all. Miles and Jack visited Miles’s mother (it’s her birthday), and she wants them to stay for breakfast the next morning with the rest of the family.
Dodgeball: The team wants to go to Las Vegas. In an inversion of roles, Peter is the one opposing the departure.
007 – The Surrogate Parents
021 – Stuck in the Ordinary World
039 – Unusual Places
033 – Attack 3: The Hero Resists
The Hero stands his ground for the first time.
The Hero loses patience and starts resisting the pushes. The Hero didn’t react to the previous attacks, but the third time’s the charm.
It doesn’t work.
Star Wars: Luke confronts Han Solo and his demands during their negotiation in the Cantina. It doesn’t work: Han is promised even more money than he asked for.
The Matrix: Neo confronts the agents. He isn’t intimidated by their “Gestapo crap.” It doesn’t work: They insert a tracking device through his abdomen.
Harry Potter: Harry disobeys Uncle Vernon and grabs one of the hundreds of letters flying around. It doesn’t work: Harry gets locked in the cupboard under the stairs.
Sideways: Miles criticizes the wine at the place where Stephanie works to stop Jack from seducing her. It doesn’t work: Jack arranges a date with her.
Dodgeball: Peter deflects White’s verbal attacks. The expropriation process is in motion.
028 – Attack 2: Physical Damage
091 – Attack 4: Interrogation
034 – The Mentor’s Faith
The Mentor trusts the Hero will face the challenges ahead.
The archetype of the Mentor represents wisdom. The Mentor also acts as a bridge between the Ordinary World and some Higher Realm; the Mentor defends the conviction about the Hero being the Chosen One despite objections from the other members of that select group.
Usually, the Goddess has access to that Higher Realm even though she doesn’t belong in it.
Star Wars:Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Senator Organa comprise the Higher Realm—the only ones who know the truth about Luke. InEpisode V – The Empire Strikes Back,Obi-Wan defends his choices about Luke despite Yoda’s disappointments in the young man.
The Matrix: The Oracle, The Architect, and Morpheus are the only ones who know the truth about Neo. Morpheus believes in Neo “so blindly that no one can convince him otherwise, not even me,” the Oracle says.
Harry Potter: Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape are the only ones who know the truth about Harry. Dumbledore persists in his plan, despite the resistance from the other two professors.
Sideways: Miles and Jack both act as Mentors for each other. Despite their differences, they never lose faith in each other.
Dodgeball: Coach O’Houlihan forces Gordon to run across a highway: “If you can dodge traffic, you can dodge a ball.” Although O’Houlihan believes in Gordon, he still gets hit by a car. Twice.
016 – The Mentor’s Knowledge
035 – The Villain’s Dominion
Anyone who opposes the antagonist is persecuted or eliminated.
The Villain advances like a bulldozer.
Dictators imprison and kill opponents; asteroids destroy satellites and spaceships in their way; volcanoes lay waste on a small town; a jealous lover spreads lies. Villains, too, believe they are obeying a superior call, leaving no room for guilt or ethical considerations.
The Hero and the Goddess, however, have a special resilience to the destructive power of the dark side.
Star Wars: Vader kills everyone on board the Corellian cruiser that transports Leia. He tortures her to find out the location of the missing droids and of the Rebel base, but she resists.
The Matrix: Agent Smith smashes a phone booth with a huge truck to kill Trinity, who escapes by a fraction of a second.
Harry Potter: Voldemort kills anyone who refuses to become a Death Eater, including Lily and James Potter. Trying to kill baby Harry didn’t work as planned, though.
Sideways: Jack warns Miles, “I’m serious. Do not fuck with me. I am going to get laid before I settle down on Saturday.” Miles resists, threatening to leave the trip.
Dodgeball: The Purple Cobras show off. The scary female Romanovian player knocks out a guy in the bar by throwing a ball at him. Later on, she fails to shoot Owen, though, because she fell in love with him.
036 – The Villain’s Orders
136 – The Villain Rises
036 – The Villain’s Orders
The intentions of the bad guy are clearer.
The Villain issues orders to the lieutenants. This happens in private, and the exchange makes the Villain’s objectives more evident (his objectives, not his motives, yet).
This also shows the hierarchy of characters in the dark side.
Star Wars: Darth Vader orders a search of the escape pod: The plans must b
e recovered at any cost. (We don’t know yet what plans are they talking about).
The Matrix: Agent Smith orders a search for Neo. He is clearly the leader of the group of Agents. We don’t know yet who Neo is, or why the Agents are looking for him.
Harry Potter: Professor Quirrell acts following Voldemort orders, of course. But that revelation is kept in reserve until the final battle.
Sideways: Just before going to dinner with the girls, Jack tells Miles, “If they want to drink merlot, we’re drinking merlot.” Miles refuses: “If anyone orders merlot, I’m leaving. I am not drinking any fucking merlot!” They both act like each other’s Villain.
Dodgeball:White tells his lieutenant, Me’Shell: “Involuntary spasm! Enjoy the show! Nowyou’re my bitch.”
035 – The Villain’s Dominion
136 – The Villain Rises
037 – Secret Message
“This message will self-destruct in five seconds.”
The Hero receives a secret message. It can be a cryptic note, an anonymous e-mail, an SMS from an unlisted phone, etc.
The message came under the dark side’s radar, so the identity of the sender is a mystery. (It’s the Herald).
Also, after the message is delivered it disappears.
Star Wars: Leia’s hologram says, “You are my only hope.” We don’t know who she is. The hologram disappears, and R2D2 pretends not to know how to replay it.
The Matrix:Neo’s computer reads, “Follow the White Rabbit.” We don’t know who’s on the other side. “Knock-knock, Neo,” says on the screen. And then it goes blank.
Harry Potter: Harry receives a letter, but we don’t know from whom. Dudley grabs it from Harry’s hands, and Uncle Vernon destroys it.
Sideways: Miles checks his answering machine. “You have no messages.”
Dodgeball:An instructional video explains how to play dodgeball, starring the sport’s old glory, Patches O’Houlihan. The video ends, and the image disappears from the wall.
038 – The Herald
038 – The Herald
This character delivers another message, and then vanishes.
Heralds are both messengers and guides. They leave clues for the Hero to find the path.
This time the communication is personal, but after delivering the message, the Herald goes away.
Star Wars: After playing the partial holo-message, R2D2 disappears: He leaves looking for Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The Matrix: In the nightclub, Trinity delivers Neo a message, which guides him to Morpheus. Then she disappears.
Harry Potter: Hagrid delivers the invitation letter, which leads to Dumbledore, and guides Harry to Diagon Alley and Platform 9 ¾. Hagrid then disappears from the train station.
Sideways: Christine’s mother gives Miles information, which leads to Jack, and guides him into the house. She disappears from the scene (even if she is still there).
Dodgeball: Jason brings a video, which leads to Patches O’Houlihan, and disappears from the scene (even if he’s still there).
037 – Secret Message
040 – The Herald Returns
039 – Unusual Places
The Adventure World exerts its pull on the Hero.
The Hero ends up in places closer to the Adventure World. The Hero is not there by chance nor by choice but because the events are already pulling the Hero toward a date with destiny.
This stage is another step in the arc of separation from the Surrogate Parents.
Star Wars: Despite the warnings, Luke leaves his uncle’s farm and drives deep into the desert, looking for R2D2.
The Matrix: Following Morpheus’ instructions, Neo goes to the Adam Street Bridge in the middle of the night, in the middle of the rain.
Harry Potter: Harry finds himself alone at the zoo, talking to a snake.
Sideways: The friends travel among the California vineyards.
Dodgeball: Kate spends less time at Globo Gym and more time with “those freaks over there in Loser Town”—as White Goodman’s calls them—despite the villain’s warnings to the contrary.
032 – Resistance to the Separation
040 – The Herald Returns
The Herald shows up again.
The Herald is not a nanny, nor is there to take the Hero by the hand, but to point the Hero in the right direction. That’s why the Herald disappears and reappears all the time.
Star Wars: R2D2 reappears; they find him in the rock canyon.
The Matrix: A black car pulls over next to Neo. Trinity tells him to get inside.
Harry Potter: Hagrid reappears; he’s waiting at Hogsmeade’s train station to guide the kids to the castle.
Sideways: Christine’s mother reappears; she suggests that Miles taste the wedding cake samples.
Dodgeball:Young Patches O’Houlihan reappears in the video before it ends, reminding you that “dodgeball is a sport of violence, exclusion and degradation.”
038 – The Herald
042 – The Herald Guides the Hero
041 – Test of Worthiness
The Hero must pass a test before meeting the Mentor.
The Hero has to prove worthy of the adventure by passing a test, a scan of some sort. But there is another, implicit test: A test of character.
Star Wars: The one doing the scanning is Luke; he sees R2D2 in the radar of the speeder. The show of character: Luke orders C3PO to accelerate, despite the dangers that lurk in the desert.
The Matrix: Trinity scans Neo with a scary ultrasound machine, looking for the tracking device the Agents inserted in him. Only when the bug has been removed can Neo meet Morpheus. The test of character: Neo shows that he trusts Trinity—not bad for a guy who believes in nothing.
Harry Potter: First years are scanned by the Sorting Hat. Only when Harry has been assigned to a House can he join his mates. The test of character: Harry shows loyalty to Ron by rejecting Malfoy. Harry’s a Gryffindor, indeed.
Sideways: The Erganians “scan” Miles with questions about his delay, about his book, and about his writing. Only when Miles has answered can he depart with the groom.
Dodgeball: A drug-screening test is performed on the Girl Scouts. They fail, so Average Joe’s pass to the next round.
077 – Girl Tests Boy
042 – The Herald Guides the Hero
The Herald fulfills here the role as guide.
Using some kind of transport, the Herald takes the Hero to the first meeting with the Mentor.
The meeting will happen in a special, secret place. Use the opportunity to create a short but memorable route to this location.
Star Wars: C3PO drives the speeder to the lost canyon where the meeting with Obi-Wan will happen.
The Matrix: Trinity and other two members of the crew take Neo to the abandoned building where Morpheus awaits. They move in an awesome 1965 Lincoln Continental.
Harry Potter: A fabulous, antique train takes Harry to his destination: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Sideways: The friends make it into the road in Miles’s old Saab.
Dodgeball: A group of young men pushes Peter’s old car to the gym. This is not much of a secret place, nor a memorable ride.
037 – Secret Message
043 – The Hero Is a Mess
The Hero arrives at the meeting not in the best shape.
The Hero is already in the descending part of the character’s arc and arrives at the meeting a little shaken after some rough experience.
/> Examples:
Star Wars: Luke gets attacked and hurt by the Sand People. Ben Kenobi finds Luke unconscious.
The Matrix: Neo experiences the traumatic extraction of the bug from his abdomen.
Harry Potter:InThe Chamber of Secrets, Hagrid finds Harry, who was lost. “You’re a mess, Harry. Skulking around Knockturn Alley? Dodgy place.”
Sideways: Miles is still suffering the effects of the previous night’s wine tasting. Jack notices and says, “You’re fucking hungover.”
Dodgeball: The team is indeed a mess: At the restaurant, White Goodman throws a tray full of Mexican food over them.
044 – Transmogrifications
The Hero starts on a life-changing path.
During the Journey, the Hero gets bruised, hurt, cut, or wounded in some other way.
These physical ailments are a representation of the change the Hero is undergoing and a foreshadow of the upcoming ultimate sacrifice. The process is called “transmogrification,” and blood is a powerful symbol of it.
Star Wars: Luke gets knocked unconscious by the Sand People. There is no blood, but later on he’s hit by the electrical shocks of the training drone ball, his hand is cut off by Vader, and more.
The Matrix: Neo suffers the traumatic experience of being taken out of the goo pod; they remove the metallic connectors from his body; his mouth gets bloody when he fails the jump simulation, etc.
Harry Potter:InThe Half Blood Prince, the second act starts with Harry entering the Hogwarts Great Hall. Ginny Weasley says, “He’s covered in blood again. Why is he always covered in blood?”
Sideways: There is only one physical wound in the story, which happens later: Stephanie breaks Jack’s nose.